Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love
Our pleasure can be the fuel for abundant, sustainable work, service, and play throughout our long lives.
Our sexuality can be a wholesome pillar of our daily experience.
Our marriages can be fueled by desire rather than duty.
Monogamy can be the hottest place on earth.
It’s a confusing time to be a heterosexual, monogamous couple. The love and passion you desire may be more an inner urge than something you really see people around you living. But there are a growing community of devoted couples creating monogamy as a conscious spiritual crucible. There are couples using their marriages to fuel their leadership and service and activism. Welcome to Sex. Love. Power. where we convene the conversations that unlock new possibilities in your life and relationship. I’m your host Michele Lisenbury Christensen. Over the past 26 years, I’ve helped thousands of couples create the love and sex they desire. Kurt and I, in 23 years of marriage and adventures together before that, have suffered, avoided, dared, and triumphed in countless ways. Now, I’m here to help you get more peace, more connection, and more passion in your days and nights, so you’ve got the energy and attention left over to be the change you wish to see in the wider world. Everything you want in love and sex and beyond starts with YOU, and it starts right now. Let’s tend your flame.
Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love
How I Cultivate Inner Growth
I was so grateful to sit down and record with my teacher, Eric Klein, the founder of Wisdom Heart along with his wife, Devi. I wanted you to hear from him what he's teaching me about my body, mind, spirit, and the way that those interact with the experiences I have in my marriage, my earning, my business -- pretty much in every area of my life.
I am thrilled for you all to hear Eric talk with us about some of the ways that you can apply planetary astrology, the chakras, meditation, and the spiritual path in general to evolve more of what you want in love and life.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
- Both of our journeys with Kriya Yoga and it's relevance for practitioners seeking coherence and wholeness in their busy lives.
- The power of practice and why it resonates with me and so many other women
- The connection between planetary astrology and our inner chakras
- Our definition of intimacy and how it can show us our greatest teachers
And more.
“Intimacy is another word for awakening because it's really reducing the layers of self protection in order to become more and more connected to life. The most potent aspects of life come to us as human beings.” -Eric Klein
I hope that you feel as nourished and inspired as I do after hearing from Eric. My wish for you is that you receive life’s gentle, insistent, invitations to more fullness and wholeness.
Learn more and connect with Eric at wisdomheart.com or @wisdom.heart on Instagram!
If the conversations on this podcast are resonating for you and you want to create the love, sex, and aliveness you desire with more ease, I invite you to enter a deeper relationship with me, through private coaching or my group mentorship program. Either way, you get powerful tools, conversation cheat sheets, meditations, and my loving and skillful attention every month, so your capacity for the pleasure and joy you want grows, continuously. CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.
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Ready to bring about a transformation in your relationship to yourself, your body, and your partner? CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.