Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love
Our pleasure can be the fuel for abundant, sustainable work, service, and play throughout our long lives.
Our sexuality can be a wholesome pillar of our daily experience.
Our marriages can be fueled by desire rather than duty.
Monogamy can be the hottest place on earth.
It’s a confusing time to be a heterosexual, monogamous couple. The love and passion you desire may be more an inner urge than something you really see people around you living. But there are a growing community of devoted couples creating monogamy as a conscious spiritual crucible. There are couples using their marriages to fuel their leadership and service and activism. Welcome to Sex. Love. Power. where we convene the conversations that unlock new possibilities in your life and relationship. I’m your host Michele Lisenbury Christensen. Over the past 26 years, I’ve helped thousands of couples create the love and sex they desire. Kurt and I, in 23 years of marriage and adventures together before that, have suffered, avoided, dared, and triumphed in countless ways. Now, I’m here to help you get more peace, more connection, and more passion in your days and nights, so you’ve got the energy and attention left over to be the change you wish to see in the wider world. Everything you want in love and sex and beyond starts with YOU, and it starts right now. Let’s tend your flame.
Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love
Embracing Pain and Beauty with Special Guest Myra Sack
Today, I'm so grateful to share with you a profoundly moving conversation with Myra Sack, a woman who embodies the essence of resilience and intimacy with life.
In her newly released book, 57 Fridays: Losing Our Daughter, Finding Our Way, Myra brings us into the intimate journey through the immense grief of losing her daughter, Havi, to Tay-Sachs disease. I wanted to bring Myra onto the show to explore the delicate balance between the most painful and beautiful moments of our lives. This episode is an exploration of how we can navigate our deepest fears and emerge with a stronger, more intimate connection to ourselves and others.
It's a must-listen for anyone seeking to face their pain and find a source of profound connection and authenticity.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
- Myra's practice of "Shabbirthdays" and the power of ritual in creating sacred spaces for healing and connection
- How to face and embrace fear to avoid being paralyzed by it
- The importance of emotional granularity in understanding and articulating our feelings to better navigate life's challenges.
- The role of self-awareness and self-trust in developing psychological resilience and maintaining our sense of self amidst grief and loss.
- How to foster meaningful connections and community support during times of profound personal crisis.
And more.
“We are so afraid to turn towards the deepest, most painful, real reality that we miss the opportunity to experience the deepest joy and the fullest love”
Get your copy of 57 Fridays: Losing Our Daughter, Finding Our Way
Learn about E-Motion, the non-profit Myra founded to “support community, movement and ritual to enhance coping and resilience”
Follow Myra on Instagram @myrasack
May you find the courage to embrace both the beauty and the pain in your life, allowing them to coexist and transform you in ways you never thought possible. Let this episode inspire you to seek out and create sacred spaces for yourself and your loved ones, fostering deeper connections and a richer, more authentic experience of living.
If the conversations on this podcast are resonating for you and you want to create the love, sex, and aliveness you desire with more ease, I invite you to enter a deeper relationship with me, through private coaching or my group mentorship program. Either way, you get powerful tools, conversation cheat sheets, meditations, and my loving and skillful attention every month, so your capacity for the pleasure and joy you want grows, continuously. CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.
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Ready to bring about a transformation in your relationship to yourself, your body, and your partner? CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.