Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love

How to Figure It Out On Your Own

Michele Lisenbury Christensen Season 1 Episode 13

People often think they need to figure out their relationship challenges between the two of them.   They think they should, that the problems aren’t so bad they need help, and that they have what it takes to solve it.  If you think those things, you may be right!  This episode is here to help you get to the bottom of whatever has you stuck, or to understand why you can’t.  Either way, it’s definitely worth your time if there’s something you want to  have be better in your relationship.

As you listen to this episode, you'll learn:

  • Discover the 3 keys needed to create a change in your relationship 
  • Why couples feel like they need to figure out their relationship problems on their own, even though they often can’t  
  • Is “Happily Ever After” an unrealistic expectation?
  • The secret to why even the most high-functioning people have relationship challenges 
  • 2 really painful lies that challenge your relationship

And more. 

Join the conversation by listening, then share your story or response on our voicemail at 206-659-9865 or inside our free Secret Society on Mighty Networks.

People are annoying. They don't do what we want them to do. They need things from us at just the wrong time.  It is terribly inconvenient to live with another person and all the more so if they rely on us, or we rely on them for deeply felt needs or wants. When they are Your Person and you are Their Person, you’re guaranteed to plug one another in.

-Michele Lisenbury Christensen 

Hot Moments in This Episode:

Why certain beliefs make it is so hard to talk openly about sex 01:40

Does the perfect relationship really exist?  02:24

What you can learn from clogged pipes & house maintenance 06:02

Getting support for your relationship is NOT a sign of weakness but strength. 11:25

Learn my secret practice to help you go for GREAT!  12:58 

The 3 keys to understanding self-reinforcing cycles 13:48

I am so grateful for the chance to support you in “figuring things out” whether on your own or with support and structure to guarantee your success.  I’m thrilled you’re committed to cultivating your aliveness in love and sex and that we’re engaged in this conversation.  It is my greatest joy and privilege.  I hope this episode has helped you find new ways to get support and perspective for your love and sex challenges. 

So if you'd like to talk with me about our working together, you can schedule a consultation at Whether you do it on your own or you get help, remember the three keys to creating a change in your relationship: perspective, attention and sustained effort.

You're always invited to ask questions and share your reactions and results from each episode. You can post in the question thread in the private community at  or leave us a voicemail at 206-659-9865.

If you and your partner  (or maybe just you,  as far as  you know!) long for more closeness, heat, and intimacy in your relationship, I am here to help.  More fun than therapy, more effective than anything, clients say coaching with me permanently uplevels their love, sex, leadership  and life. 

If the conversations on this podcast are resonating for you, please leave a rating and ideally a review on your favorite podcast platform.

Ready to bring about a transformation in your relationship to yourself, your body, and your partner?
CLICK HERE to apply for a consultation.